I love music from nearly all genres.
I hate liver it makes me throw up in my mouth a bit just thinking about eating it. Once while staying at a friends house I paid her brother $5 to eat mine.It was a house rule to eat everything on your plate.
My family I love them but they are a freak show without the tent.Somethings don't need to be changed.
I have lived in every state of Australia.
My biggest fears are crocodiles and clowns,they will both eat you if your not careful.Oh and lets not forget going through labour again.
I believe in the paranormal I've seen to many things not to,it's something I was born with but have never seeked to control and hell yes it can be scary.
In high school I had a crush Patrick Swayze. The man was hot,hot,hot.
I have never ever cheated on a partner or skipped school.
When I was a little (aged 4) I said to a cop "How you going Pig Man?" and stopped my Dad from getting a ticket because the cop almost died laughing. 3 weeks later the same cop pulled Dad over again just to say "Hi"
My best friend and I have driven through a McDonald's drive through in a fake car while making car sound effects.
My first kiss was with a guy named Julian.
I am trying to be a responsible grown up that completes tasks and makes good decisions.I'm only doing this for my children without them I'd probably be out every night making friends and travelling to distant places on a whim. I'd probably also be hung over at least 3 days a week instead of 3 days a year.
Billy Connolly is my favourite comedian.His looks,his accent and the fact he says "Fuck" a lot when telling a story.How can you not love the guy?
Being a single Mum is my biggest challenge to date. It's scary and rewarding all at the same time.There are days I want to runaway from home but I don't. I do the job 24/7 and just the other day I realised I only have 8 years left until they are all legal adults.
My best friend is crazy and I love her for it.She has made me laugh until I've thrown up.
FACT a burger is not a real burger without beetroot on it.
My Favourite movie quote is from Paul. "Alright Fucknuckles! It's probing time"-Paul the Alien
Divorce is expensive but it's worth every cent. I agree heartily with this statement.
I suck at mathematics when under pressure.
I can drive a stick shift but prefer not to. I'm one who inspired the saying "If you can't find them,grind them".
I sleep on average less than 6 hours a night. This may explain why I can act a bit loopy.
I'm genuinely surprised that my post Elephant Sex has gotten over 500 views.Mind you it hasn't had one damn comment though either.
I hate cruelty to children and animals.
If I told you anything more I'd have to kill you, so I'll leave you to mull this all over.
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