Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Isn't it Ironic as Miss Morrisett said

Typical just when you think you've met the man of your dreams you find out he has a beautiful wife. Sadly though it's not him that tells you about his wife. You talk about everything else in your lives, but then the subject of a wife in existence never seems to come up.You remember asking about a marital status and your 100% sure a wife was never in the equation,but years later you just happen to be told that one exists I mean where does he keep her locked in the basement???.
How can you talk about everything from your children to your wildest dreams but never hear about the spouse.Maybe him not mentioning the wife makes you one of his wildest dreams, have to admit that is great for the ego,right ladies. What happens though when you finally decide to meet, does he just not show up at the meeting place or does he just never fully let you into his life as a true friend?
The more I look at the internet dating/meeting thing the more I hear about people who think they know someone inside and out only to find out later that it was all a hoax. 

I have spoken to people who have told me about being in a similar situation to the one mentioned above and they have all been hurt by their friend not being honest with them. Some of the people lived close by to each other and have met their friends partner quite by accident socially. Other people have spent a lot of money to get to the arranged meeting place  some even traveling from another state or country only to be stood up and hurt.
Precautions are easily taken in today's day and age if you have a full name Google can reveal a multitude of sins they may not be listed as married on their profile but they might be listed as in a relationship on the partners elses  page. or facebook relationship status's can be useful because most people don't think you'll look unless they have given you access in the first place. Though for this to work firstly you must have the REAL name of your net date. Some states provide free access to marriage and divorce records online.While many countries have more information available to the searcher than Australia you just never know what you may find. Caution is everything.

I do understand the attraction to meeting people online but I don't see the reason to lie about who you are.where your from ect.. I know about internet safety and by all means be careful what you say but don't deliberately set out to hurt people.
I know I have written this blog as in "he" making the male out to be untrustworthy one but females are just as dishonest I mean you can be anyone you want to be with a keyboard in front of you. I get so mad when I hear about things like this I mean what happened to honesty is the best policy? I feel for their partners and I feel for their friend,but if it's a true friendship maybe it can be saved if the guilty party comes clean.

I have made some fabulous friends online some I've met and others I am yet to meet. I was just inspired to write this after a lot of people have discovered they really like someone only to end up feeling really let down in the end.
I was going to sleep hours ago after chatting to a good friend but I felt I had to write something for the untrue and their victims.
OH FFS come clean!

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