Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Today has been an interesting day. Let's start at the very beginning like Julie Andrews says in the song.
I was woken by my 3 wonderful brats with gifts of chocolate at 5 am,when I made these kids I forgot to put in a snooze button.
So bacon and eggs for breakfast with a healthy dose of chocolate,come on it's the only day of the year you can legitimately eat chocolate for breakfast so what if I took advantage of that fact. Then it was time to take the dog for a walk or him to take us it's still undecided who makes the travel plans in this house. I did a little gardening,I like the fact I can confess that here because I'm anonymous.

Now down to the juicy stuff I sat down to check my emails and oh my I have my very own group of paranoid people thinking I know them and chose to write about them. Remember the blog that I wrote about being on the net and pretending to be single? This bit of tat bout the nuts out of the wood work.
I have emails from the UK,the United States and Australia accusing me of writing about peoples personal lives . Guilty conscience  anyone?
I appreciate the lengths gone to but FFS I don't know anyone I received correspondence from, the person who told me about her experiences on the subject knew I was going to write a blog but not even she knows where or when.
I can put all your small minds at rest  only one person knows who Daisy is and I doubt that they care what I write here.

Instead of  wasting time being paranoid why don't you all try a new thing....THE TRUTH it hurts but it hurts so good.
Happy  Easter my fellow cyber junkies

Love Daisy xoxo

Always tell the truth. That way you don't have to remember what you said.--Mark Twain

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