Monday, August 29, 2011

A Typical School Morning

5-30 this morning I was awoken by screams,I thought there had been a tragedy but now was only Miss T looking for a hair brush and the screams were those of frustration.

FFS we have at least 11 hair brushes in this house and a few combs and at 5-30am what do you need one for why the hell are you even awake.I muttered as much and rolled over and went back to sleep. Miss T has always been an early riser even if she has been awake until midnight the night before. I on the other hand am definitely not a morning person I'd sleep to 9 at least, if the universe wasn't conspiring against me.

I didn't here anything again until my alarm went off at 7 and T yelled good bye, again I wonder the bus doesn't arrive until 7-45.I know she spends most of the extra time talking to the neighborhood animals like the horses across the road, evidence of this has been the dwindling apple supply.
At 7-10 I drag my darling son out of bed to claims of I don't like school I don't want to go and school is only for dumb ass's. I say fine if it's only for dumb ass's you'll fit right in because you are going to school even if I have to drag you there and tie you to your chair. Miss D is already up and wandering around like a zombie, she's really not a morning person either. D and I wander around the kitchen while bratty son is claiming not to be able to find his shoes.I walked in picked them up tossed them his way and told him he must of had a boy look. A boy look is when they claim to have looked for something but were really just staring at the ceiling for 15mins.
I toss together lunches and make sure they are not left sitting on the kitchen bench.I make them all move towards the car most mornings this involves saying good bye to the birds and hugging the dogs,this morning I was watching close to make sure Par didn't hug the dog,because he's not just a giant German Shepard this morning he's a giant bounding ball of fur and diesel sump oil.I am still trying to scrub the oil stains of my leg where he rubbed it all over me yesterday afternoon before going back to where the truck oil change had been done and rolling in the oil puddle some more.

                                                  The Greasy oil sharer AKA Benny

I finally get them all in the car when Mr P remembers he's left his homework sitting on the kitchen table,I tell him to run back and I'd meet him at the front gates but at all costs avoid the Benny dog that's waiting to ambush him.
At the gate we wait for Mr P to arrive and open it.Once we get through the gate we drive towards town, we don't live out in the boondocks or anything we just live on an acreage when the giant dog can roam free with his boy. I turn on the radio it plays the news,all bad news so I flip to a CD and Trace Adkins fills up the car with "One Hot Mama" and does bugger all to brighten my morning.I feel bad for just pulling on a pair of jeans ,a sweater and my faithful old Nike's. At least brushed my hair.

Anyway we get to school I force kisses upon them, kick them out, tell them I love them and that I'll see them in the usual pick up place this afternoon. Now to go home and dodge the oil dog until my Dad who owns the front half of the dog(whole other story)washes him.

Update Benny has been washed and 20mins after finishing this blog I had a phone call from the school Miss D had thrown up on her teachers shoes and could i please come and collect her.

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